Wellness Check Up and Treats

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Summer has her annual wellness check up. And treats!

It was time for my annual wellness check up so my human bundled me up and took me to the vet clinic. The waiting room was temporarily dog free, so she let me hang out on my leash.

Exam room sign with patient’s nameExam room sign with patient’s name

It didn’t take long for them to take me back to the exam room.

Somali cat on exam table at veterinary clinicSomali cat on exam table at veterinary clinic

The tech came in to weigh me and take my temperature…and he offered me a treat!

Somali cat enjoying a treatSomali cat enjoying a treat

I was almost able to forgive him for taking my temperature.

Somali cat in carrier, finished with check upSomali cat in carrier, finished with check up

Other than the thermometer thing, it was actually a really nice visit! I even gave the veterinarian a headbutt. I got a clean bill of health, was complemented on my teeth, and they filled out my report for my therapy cat organization.

Somali cat at home, enjoying the rest of the treatSomali cat at home, enjoying the rest of the treat

Oh, and I got to take the rest of the treat home!

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