Visiting the Resident Physicians (and Others)

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Summer has a special visit at the big hospital, spending lunchtime with the resident physicians for a mini destress session.

Sometimes the big hospital has a special visit request. It could be to visit a longterm patient in an area we don’t usually go to. Or it could be to visit a section of the hospital that asked specifically for pet therapy. Once time our presence was requested at a memorial service of a doctor who loved animals. And our visit this week was one of those special requests.

This was a fun one, though. Me and the other therapy cat, Josie, got to have a lunchtime visit with the resident physicians. They had a large meeting room set up for everyone to gather that was next the cafeteria. They also had some nachos (no, I didn’t get any). It was really casual, with people coming and going as they pleased. And while I’m sure most of the people there were resident physicians, I get the feeling that some of the people, especially towards the end, were just staff who spied kitties in the room and wanted to see us.

Therapy cat in cat bed-tunnel, posing for the cameraTherapy cat in cat bed-tunnel, posing for the camera

I really enjoyed being the center of attention, along with Josie! All I had to do was hang out, get photographed and do some tricks. Even better, one of them brought a cat bed/tunnel combo from home for us to enjoy. Josie stuck to hanging out in people’s laps, but I went right for it and made myself at home. I loved it! The bed was new so I wonder what happened when the woman took it home to her cats, and it smelled like me.

The visit also gave my human and Josie’s human the opportunity to answer questions anyone had about our therapy pet work. Some of them worked in areas that don’t usually get visits, so my human told them which office handled that so they could ask.

Usually with the big hospital, my human is taking me all over the place to different buildings and wings. It was nice for once to just be able to hang out in one place for 90 minutes. And hang out in that cat bed!

Visiting the Resident Physicians (and Others)Visiting the Resident Physicians (and Others)

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