Unable to Fake Feline Annoyance

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Summer's human needed photos of her looking annoyed with human contact. But Summer loves it, and the pics show it was a challenge for her.Summer's human needed photos of her looking annoyed with human contact. But Summer loves it, and the pics show it was a challenge for her.

For one of my posts this week, my human wanted to get some photos of me looking annoyed about being touched by human hands. That was a difficult task for me, since I love human touch! Especially tummy rubs.

Somali cat lying down and stretching back legsSomali cat lying down and stretching back legsSomali cat lying down and stretching back legs

I can’t get enough of them, which I guess is pretty obvious.

Somali cat lying down and stretchingSomali cat lying down and stretchingSomali cat lying down and stretching

I’m just not one of those cats who will bring out the claws of doom when someone touches my tummy.

Somali cat enjoying tummy rubSomali cat enjoying tummy rubSomali cat enjoying tummy rub

I guess that means this type of reaction to having my tummy rubbed is an outtake!

Somali cat being sweet with humanSomali cat being sweet with humanSomali cat being sweet with human

I didn’t mind having my paws being handled either. It’s hard for me to fake feline annoyance!

Somali cat trying to give high five to a hand that is trying to reach out and grab herSomali cat trying to give high five to a hand that is trying to reach out and grab herSomali cat trying to give high five to a hand that is trying to reach out and grab her

Eventually she got a few shots that she could kind of make work. Then she tried to get some photos of me looking disdainfully at a hand that is reaching to grab me. Instead she got a photo of me trying to give her hand a high five.

The only time she got me looking legitimately annoyed was when she tried to pick me up with one hand and photograph me with the other. You can see the results here.

Here are other modeling sessions where I’ve had to do something unusual:

Unable to Fake Feline AnnoyanceUnable to Fake Feline Annoyance

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