Therapy Cat on Christmas Eve Morning

Summer goes on a therapy cat visit to the assisted living residence on Christmas Eve morning and brightens the day for her pals there.

I got to have a therapy cat visit with my assisted living pals on Christmas Eve morning. Which is probably the absolute best way to spend Christmas Eve morning. Because the best present you can give anyone, ever, is your time — pure, without judgement, and with love. And that’s what I do.

My human knew that her instinct to schedule us for this day was right when we entered and the first person we saw was the nonverbal woman. She held her hand out to my human, and I jumped up on the couch to spend time with her. There was a woman sitting on the other side of the couch, and at first we thought she was a resident. But it turned out she was there to look for somewhere to place her mother. She and my human chatted for a bit, while I spent lots of time visiting with the nonverbal woman.

The lady who likes my high fives was there, and she didn’t have any family for the holidays. Her mother had moved up north recently, and her sister was out of town. We also saw the sweet elderly lady who likes me a lot. One Spanish speaking lady in a wheelchair showed my human photos of her cat, but she know enough words to ask for any details.

We don’t talk about the second house we go to as much because it’s a lot quieter and not as much goes on. But I did get to see some of my regular pals there. One woman who was petting me told my human how much she missed having a kitty. Another resident was wearing a “Meowy Camas” sweater, so of course I visited with her!

Both of the residences were beautifully decked out for the holidays. It was the most festive my human has felt all season because she’s been too busy to even think. But she scheduled this visit for me anyway. Like I said, the best present you can give anyone is your time, and that includes yourself.

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