My Old Stomping Grounds – 10,000 Birds

On Tuesday, my wife and I travelled 1750 miles (2,800 km) from our home of thirty years in Morelia, to the region in which I grew up, the San Mateo Peninsula of the San Francisco Bay Area in California. This is not a birding trip; we are trying to deal with many logistical life issues […]

Molekule Air Mini+ Review 2024: A Detailed Look

Our Final Verdict We give the Air Mini+ a rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars. Effectiveness: 5/5 Aesthetics: 5/5 Ease of Setup: 4.5/5 Ease of Maintenance: 5/5 Value: 5/5 Molekule, originally known as Transformair, was founded in 2014 by siblings Dilip Goswami and Jaya Rao. Their father, Dr. Yogi Gaswami, was a University of […]

A Healthy Dose of Heath

I finally managed to explore a new area near Bonn, namely the Wahner Heide (heath) bordering the Cologne-Bonn airport. It’s a quite unique spot in the area due to its sandy soils and typical heathland vegetation (I hear you say “duh, it’s heath…”). I use the phrase “quite unique” just because I’m not sure whether […]

Funny Photos on Caturday – Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life

It’s time for me to share this week’s funny photos! And I do have a few for you. Why my human snaps awkward photos of me when I’m obviously not posing is something I’ll never figure out. Like this one, in which I look like I’m about to fall asleep. It’s never a proper tiara […]

Is dog dementia real? – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

Are puppies who get omega-3 smarter and better behaved? Similar to other chronic health conditions that people share with dogs, our canine friends can also be affected by a condition called canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD) or dog dementia, which is similar Alzheimers disease in humans. Here are some of the most recent research and science […]

Cyprus Delights – Part II

One thing that I have learned from repeated spring visits to Cyprus is that no two years are ever the same. This April conditions were excellent for migrant waders, so there were plenty to see. The island’s largest salt lake, Akrotiri, is not a great draw for waders, but the range of large, shallow saline […]

CatLadyBox Subscription Review 2024: A Detailed Look

Our Final Verdict We give CatLadyBox’s subscription box an overall rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars. Item Quality: 4.5/5 Item Variety: 5/5 Value: 4.9/5 When I think of cat ladies, my mind immediately goes to the crazy cat lady on The Simpsons. That’s exactly the kind of stigma CatLadyBox is trying to do away […]

Cypriot Delights: Part I – 10,000 Birds

I’ve been a regular visitor to the island of Cyprus for over 25 years, making around a dozen trips during this period, every one in search of birds. Tucked away at the extreme eastern end of the Mediterranean, Cyprus is regarded politically as part of Europe, but when it comes to birds it’s very much […]

Visiting the Resident Physicians (and Others)

Sometimes the big hospital has a special visit request. It could be to visit a longterm patient in an area we don’t usually go to. Or it could be to visit a section of the hospital that asked specifically for pet therapy. Once time our presence was requested at a memorial service of a doctor […]
