Spotting the 4 Eagles Of Alaska

By Amelia Caldwell Amelia Caldwell, an avid bird enthusiast and the founder of Birdie Learning, has been captivated by the enchanting melodies of birdsong since childhood. This early fascination evolved into a lifelong passion for understanding avian wonders, inspiring her to create a platform dedicated to fellow bird lovers. Through Birdie Learning, Amelia shares her […]

One-Card Cat Tarot Reading for June

I know I’m late, but don’t worry, I think my cat tarot card reading for June will be worth the wait! As you can see, I have a new outfit for my readings. I’m returning to the Mystical Cats book and tarot cards. The artwork is really creative and lends itself to inspired interpretation. My […]

Tufted Puffins on the Oregon Coast

Many imagine life on the Oregon Coast as idyllic. Wind-blown Shore Pines, sunny beaches, rugged rocky outcroppings, deep blue waters, and green hills often fill tourism magazines and Instagram pages to attract visitors and brag about where you have been. Shingled buildings line main streets, and on beautiful days, the sidewalks and sandy beaches are […]

14 Cat Overpopulation Statistics (2024 Update)

Note: This article’s statistics come from third-party sources and do not represent the opinions of this website. Cats are one of the most popular species of pets in the world, second only to dogs. They are considered good pets because they are independent and they don’t need walking, like dogs, but they can be highly […]

Wagbachniederung in Late Spring – 10,000 Birds

The weather around Bonn was unpredictably volatile in May, with some extremely sunny days followed by a series of cold and wet ones. This made being outside rather tricky, and I got me caught in the rain by surprise several times. I guess it’s normal for weather to change unexpectedly (and for the various rain […]

Fun Time at the Pet Shop

We were out of my food again, so I had another pet shop visit! I know, it seems like I run out of food a lot! But there’s a reason. Since I’m a small cat and I don’t eat a lot, my human buys each brand of my food at different pet shops. That way, […]

Bird-Ranking: My favorite birds (as an amateur bird watcher)

As a little child, I´ve always liked watching birds fly around and imagined, what it would be like flying around on my own whenever I feel like it and not having to sit in an airplane full of nice people. Anyway, as I grew older, I started to view birds differently, rather in a superficial […]

Russian Blue Siamese Mix: Pictures, Care, Traits & Info

Click Below to Skip Ahead The Russian Blue Siamese mix is a rare hybrid breed resulting from pairing a Russian Blue with a Siamese. These gorgeous cats are intelligent, affectionate, and loyal to their family members, but their appearance and remaining personality traits will depend entirely on which parent breed they favor. Read on to […]

Skåne: a Swedish love story

Once upon a time, there was an adventurous Mexican young woman called Miriam. She packed her bags, waved her family goodbye, and left for Sweden. At Lund University she studied economics, braved the cold, and found love: a nice ABBA-loving Viking called Fredrik. They bought a wee house and lived happily ever after. The end. […]

More Crazy Catnip Faces From the Peach Kitty

I still can’t believe how nuts the peach kitty went over my catnip toy. I mean, look at that crazy catnip face! If you examine it closely, you might see his tongue sticking out. In fact, my human got several tongue out photos of him, which I’m sharing below. I don’t think you need any […]
