Silly Sunday Outtakes – Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life

It's Sunday and Summer shares some silly outtakes from this week's photo sessions.

It’s time for outtakes! And for some reason, several photo flubs caught me with my tongue out.

Somali cat in turret making airplane earsSomali cat in turret making airplane ears

And when I wasn’t sticking out my tongue, I was sticking back my ears.

Somali cat with a big box, sticking her tongue outSomali cat with a big box, sticking her tongue out

Thanks, everyone, for your support of my box! Any time my human suggests getting rid of it, she gets this response from me.

Therapy cat grabbing human hand and making a faceTherapy cat grabbing human hand and making a face

Usually I enjoy my treats. But it looks like this one may have gone bad.

Somali cat in turret, washing her pawSomali cat in turret, washing her paw

And yes, we’ve reached the end of this week’s outtakes! Which ones did you find the funniest? Let me know in the comments!

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