Matching Dresses With My Red Beret, on Video

Summer shares a video in which she models her cute red beret with a pair of her dresses.

Remember a few weeks ago when I was matching my red beret with a couple of dresses? My human also shot video! But it took a long time to put it together because she didn’t like the beginning and wound up reshooting it twice! But it’s finally done.

Somali cat wearing a red beret and a red striped dressSomali cat wearing a red beret and a red striped dress

Since we didn’t have a video done in time for the original post, my human was only going to post it on YouTube. But once she was finished she thought it was too cute not to share here.

Somali cat wearing a red beret and a red polka dot dressSomali cat wearing a red beret and a red polka dot dress

So now you get to see me in action, modeling these two dresses! Maybe you’ll change your mind about the one you liked the best.

Somali cat with two red dresses at her feetSomali cat with two red dresses at her feet

So check out the video below and let me know what you think! Make sure to watch the end.

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