Funny Sunday Photos – Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life

Summer shares the funniest photos from her recent photo sessions.

I have lots of fun and funny photos for you this week!

Somali cat sitting on a lawn and making airplane earsSomali cat sitting on a lawn and making airplane ears

The biggest problem with taking photos of me in the front yard is that it’s a little noisy out there! And that always makes my ears go wonky.

Somali cat with tongue out, sitting in a unicorn bed and looking upSomali cat with tongue out, sitting in a unicorn bed and looking up

I think I was growing impatient with how slow my human was handing out the treats.

Somali cat half out of her unicorn cat bedSomali cat half out of her unicorn cat bed

Sometimes I think I’m done with my photo session before it’s actually finished!

Therapy cat with tongue outTherapy cat with tongue out

I just wanted my post-therapy cat visit treats with a minimal amount of fuss.

Therapy cat in car after visit, winkingTherapy cat in car after visit, winking

And that’s it for this week’s outtakes! Did you think any of them were funnier than the others? Let me know in the comments.

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