Can dogs eat tomatoes? – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

[adinserter block=”3″] Are tomatoes toxic to dogs: A misunderstanding in canine nutrition There are numerous myths surrounding what the canine diet should or should not include, which is why finding the answer to ‘can dogs eat tomatoes?’ is not as easy as you’d expect. In the realm of veterinary medicine, many recommendations appear to be handed down […]

A guide to natural, pain-free skin healin – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

[adinserter block=”3″] Redefining the care for wounds, scrapes, stings, bites or fungus with herbal healing If you’re looking for a more natural approach to wound and skin healing, this guide will help you learn how to treat wounds effectively without chemical antiseptics or antibiotic ointments and discover the medicinal herbs that heal wounds fast and prevent […]

Taming Homocysteine for Healthier Hearts & Minds

[adinserter block=”3″] Your heart and mind matter: Homocysteine explained Have you ever heard of homocysteine? Many people are unaware that this amino acid is a marker of an increased risk for heart attack, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive decline in both people and dogs.  In this article, you will learn about homocysteine, what it means to […]

Can dogs eat apples? – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

[adinserter block=”3″]   One moment, you prepare to bite into a fresh, mouth-watering apple, and the next, your dog appears out of nowhere, demanding to get their share. And as any protective dog parent would do, you wanted to know if apples are indeed good for dogs and ended up here! The good news is […]

Why is my dog licking their groin area? Top reasons and solutions – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

[adinserter block=”3″] Identifying the root cause of groin licking in dogs for effective relief and care Index: Introduction Common Reasons Dogs Lick Their Groin2.1 Muscle Sprain or Injury2.2 Lumbar or Sacral Spinal Injury or Misalignment2.3 Urinary Bladder Issues2.4 Hernias and Genital Concerns2.5 Other Possible Causes Managing Skin Irritation and Inflammation from Licking Summary of Recommendations  1. Introduction […]
