A complete guide to hot spots in dogs

[adinserter block=”3″] Healing hot spots naturally without antibiotics, steroids and other harmful chemicals  Article Summary: Introduction to hot spots How do hot spots start? The conventional view of hot spots Surprising connection between hotspots, spine and muscle health, and hormonal imbalance Hot spot locations and their relationship to spinal segments Why you need to beware […]

Hormone Therapy, Dental Care, and More! – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

[adinserter block=”3″]  I hope you and your dog are having a fantastic summer! This month has been exciting, emotional, and inspiring. From the overwhelmingly positive response, reviews and sell-out of JointButter to mind opening discussions on hormone-sparing sterilization and Pax’s transformation there is so much to share! I was just thinking today, while watching Pax […]

Can dogs eat coconuts? Are coconuts safe for dogs? – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

[adinserter block=”3″] The benefits and potential risks of feeding coconuts to dogs. In the course of the past several years, coconuts have been falling in and out of favour in canine nutrition. Some people love them, others not so much. But science and research on coconuts suggests there are many benefits when it’s added to […]

350,000 New Toxins vs. Your Dog’s Liver – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

[adinserter block=”3″] Your dog’s liver is busy This vital organ impacts more than 500 metabolic functions in your dog’s body including detox, energy and hormone management, protein and fat management, blood clotting, vitamin production and much more. Simply put, your dog can’t be healthy without a healthy liver, which is becoming increasingly rare. The incidence […]

What You Need to Know – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

[adinserter block=”3″] Prevention, Protection, and Natural Solutions For several months, my team has been nudging me: “Peter, you have to write on liver enzymes and liver disease. We are getting so many questions from our community on the topic.” So today, I asked my dog Pax “for permission” not to join him and my partner […]

Dog Health Tips & Tricks – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

[adinserter block=”3″]   It’s summerrrrr! Oh, don’t you love it? Unless you are in the southern hemisphere which means you are getting a little respite from the heat. I hope you and your dogs are getting out and enjoying the outdoors, mountains, and lakes! June has been a fun month for my team and me, […]
