Our New(ish) Blog Post Series

[adinserter block=”1″] Our two new blog post series are now one month old, with five posts published each. For our series on Birder’s Lists, we already have lists on Surely you will want to read one or all of them … If instead, you want to on a birding trip, maybe our series on bird […]

Birding Kolombangara Island – 10,000 Birds

[adinserter block=”1″] It starts with a flight, then another, then another, then still, one more – to then realise that the island you’ve just landed on is only as big as the airstrip itself which by some miracle is covered in tarmac – to then get on a boat to go to a market to […]

Some Pittas of South Vietnam

[adinserter block=”1″] When writing about pittas, even the normally rather reserved HBW sounds more like to a teenage Taylor Swift fan than a neutral scientist: “Elusive jewels of Asian forests, these striking passerines are adorned in some of the purest colors of any bird …” … which is immediately followed by the warning “… yet […]

“Space for Birds” — a book review

[adinserter block=”1″] Dr. Roberta L. Bondar’s handsome new book of photographs, Space for Birds:  Patterns and Parallels of Beauty and Flight, comes in two halves, but it has several subjects and multiple viewpoints. Part One of the book concerns the Lesser Flamingo, which has, Dr. Bondar observes, four separate wild populations in the world, in […]

Also-rans – 10,000 Birds

[adinserter block=”1″] Two weeks ago, I wrote here about what may end up being my Bird of the Year for 2024: a Lesser Ground-Cuckoo which gave us fantastic views in my beloved town of Paso Ancho, Michoacán. This sighting was so exciting for me (seriously, you have to check out this bird’s face), that I […]

Bird Guides of the World: Luis García Cuartas, Colombia

[adinserter block=”1″] What is your favorite bird species? A tough question! As you start birding, you also start to form a clear list of your favorite birds in your mind, such as the Black-backed Grosbeak. That bird to me is a symbol of where I come from as a birder. But then there is the […]

Testing the new NL 14x52s by Swarovski

[adinserter block=”1″] When the new NL 10x and 14×52 mm binoculars were announced by Swarovski, even though I find this series a bit oversized for my tastes, I was still curious about the 10s. I mean, which birder uses 14s? Do you know anyone using such a high magnification? Exactly, neither do I. Yet, my […]

A Surprise Encounter – 10,000 Birds

[adinserter block=”1″] There’s nothing like an unexpected bird to get the pulse racing, as I was reminded on a recent warm and sunny summer’s evening. I was driving my small open-top car on a neighbour’s farm to see what I could find. The farm in question is large – 1,000 acres – and mainly arable, […]

Birding Di Linh, Vietnam (Part 1)

[adinserter block=”1″] Di Linh is a town and district in South Vietnam a bit less than 2 hours southwest of Dalat. It is the kind of small place that still offers some living space to birds right in the town – witness this Chestnut-tailed Starling nesting in a lamppost. The professional bullshitters/ChatGPT users from our […]

Long-tailed Tit on Hokkaido – 10,000 Birds

[adinserter block=”1″] An Economist article published in February 2024 describes the rise of cuteness (“Small, but mighty: how cuteness has taken over the world“). It specifically mentions Japan: “Cute things are everywhere, not just online. In Japan—where appreciation for all things kawaii is especially keen—roadblocks come in the form of dolphins, ducks or frogs.” No surprise then […]
