Give Mom Bugs for Birds?

[adinserter block=”1″] Bugs? The perfect gift for mom? Really?           OK, this one is going to take some explaining! In reality, there are lots of reasons why you should seriously consider such a seemingly preposterous suggestion. You see…birds love bugs, and moms love birds. When your yard and feeders offer an abundant […]

Birding Ijmuiden Pier in Late October

[adinserter block=”1″] The pier in Ijmuiden, a coastal town west of Amsterdam, is a popular sea-watching site in the Netherlands as it allows one to get further out than from the beach. It is an excellent site in the winter months in particular, when seabirds including ducks, divers and grebes are quite reliable here. I’ve […]

Give the Gift of Backyard Birds

[adinserter block=”1″] Note to self: Try not to panic this year! The clock is ticking and Christmas is looming larger on the horizon, and many of us are trying hard to keep the endless hype and craziness from diminishing our true joy for the holiday season. It is such a special time of year; a […]

Swarovski BTX – A new era in birdwatching

[adinserter block=”1″] Did you know that my wife actually invented the binocular spotting scope? I lack proof of this but she did, honestly. As a scout would say “On my honour it is so”. Seriously though, we were walking our dog at the local park when out of the blue she said (and she is […]

The Joy of Nesting Birds

[adinserter block=”1″] There are a lot of things in nature that can bring you joy…to name all of them would take many pages. But most certainly one item on the list would be the sights and sounds of young birds making their first appearances in your yard and at your feeders. It’s hard to describe […]

Chronic Exposure in Colorado – 10,000 Birds

[adinserter block=”1″] Before anything else, a confession. Most of the lifers I saw in Denver were named after (in)famous people, so Messrs. Say, Bullock, Brewer, and Cassin will lose their English namesakes in the recently announced renaming game. To avoid writing a non-woke post I planned to mention scientific names only. And then I saw […]

Wonderful (and Really Tough) Woodpeckers

[adinserter block=”1″] Woodpeckers are truly wonderful. They are some of our most loyal feeder visitors and always bring an entertaining array of activities and excitement to our backyards. But you might also call them wondrous.  This is due in no small part to their amazing assortment of adaptations which allow them to live a punishing […]

Terns of North America: A Photographic Guide–A Book Review

[adinserter block=”1″] Tern lovers rejoice! A new book about the angelic-looking, identification-stumping birds of the oceans, rivers, and marshes has finally been published! And it’s fantastic. Terns are too often considered the baby brothers and sisters of gulls, and if you don’t agree, take a look at the number of books written about gulls (at […]

Critter Solutions

[adinserter block=”1″] Can you really blame critters for taking advantage of the free buffet at your backyard feeders? Finding food is a full time job for them and when they find your unprotected bird feeders, they must believe they have hit the proverbial jackpot! But sooner or later, be they determined furry critters or hordes […]

Horrible Hybrids – 10,000 Birds

[adinserter block=”1″] As a general rule, birders don’t like hybrids. For a start, they may struggle to identify them, while secondly they can’t even tick them. On BirdTrack, the British equivalent of e-Bird, the list of birds provided does allow for Tufted Duck x Ferruginous Duck to be recorded, but not Tufted Duck x Pochard. […]
