New Year’s Birding in Central Mexico

[adinserter block=”1″] Last week, David Tomlinson wrote about the excitement of that first birding outing for the year, when every bird is new again. One always wants to see as many species as possible in a single day, whether on an ocean island with few species, or in Suffolk, England. It was in this latter […]

Birding the Bamiyan area, Afghanistan

[adinserter block=”1″] I promise that this is the third and last in a series of posts covering a recent trip to Afghanistan. As the previous two posts, it is light on birds and birding (basically only at the very beginning of this post). It contains a lot of non-bird photos of this area and ends […]

Monterrey Meetings – 10,000 Birds

[adinserter block=”1″] Work brings me regularly to Monterrey in Nuevo Leon, northern Mexico. Monterrey is a big industrial city, with industrious people. It is a special city because the surrounding Parque Nacional Cumbres de Monterrey redeems the city’s many environmental sins. The city proper is butt ugly, but if you are like me or MC […]

Birding Senegal: Costco ads and Scissor-tailed Kites

[adinserter block=”1″] Hannah Buschert started birding in college thanks to a required Biology of Birds course and a professor who included Sir David Attenborough’s Life of Birds to punctuate lessons. Almost as if by accident, Hannah landed the dream job of Park Ranger in the Rio Grande Valley at Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park where […]

Bird Day: A Story of 24 Hours and 24 Avian Lives–A Book Review

[adinserter block=”1″] Bird Day is a lovely, little jewel of a book. The idea is to portray one bird for each hour of the day in words and art, presenting the diversity, beauty, and wonder of avian life. The partnership of its creators, ornithologist Mark E. Hauber and artist Tony Angell fulfills this goal beautifully […]

Southern Bavaria in December – 10,000 Birds

[adinserter block=”1″] I was very glad to be able to spend the week of Christmas and the new year at the Tegernsee, a small lake in southern Bavaria, together with my family and my girlfriend. Although a few unexpected hick-ups occurred, such as significant travel delays (which have become the norm when using Germany’s trains) […]

I’m Birding in the Rain, Just Birding in the Rain

[adinserter block=”1″] As I mentioned last week, the world seems to have turned upside down lately, at least here in central Mexico. After a devastatingly dry summer (our rainy season), now we are having a surprisingly wet winter (our dry season). On Tuesday my closest birding buddies, and, of late, my regular companions, wanted to […]

The Cocha Antshrike – 10,000 Birds

[adinserter block=”1″] “Stop paddling. Quiet now!” Hissed our guide as the canoe rounded a bend in the blackwaters canal which connects the Rio Napo with the oxbow lake where our lodge was located. Everything stopped. I was as quiet as a church mouse, waked the camera and let the lens rest on my lap. We […]

Hummingbirds are Worth the Wait

[adinserter block=”1″] This is especially true as you anticipate the first glimpse of a hummingbird each spring. The excitement of their arrival at your feeders is guaranteed to bring joy to your heart and a smile to your face. So be patient and rest assured that hummingbirds are on their way. Their arduous 2,000 mile […]

Lisbon’s Lezirias in Winter – 10,000 Birds

[adinserter block=”1″] The Tagus estuary (Estuário do Tejo) is a very important stop-over on the East Atlantic Flyway. The birding delights of the estuary are a 30-minute drive from the Lisbon international airport. So close, you would think there’s nothing one can do to improve the location of this fantastic birding spot. However, the Portuguese […]
