All Is Not Lost – 10,000 Birds

[adinserter block=”1″] It’s been a rough year for Michoacán, the state in which I live. The state government has now announced plans for cloud seeding, in the dubious hope of producing some March rains. Our grass and forest fire season has already kicked in, some two months earlier than in normal years. And on Monday, […]

From Iwokrama to Atta – 10,000 Birds

[adinserter block=”1″] On a high after waking up in Guyana’s wild interior for the first time – with a spectacular morning of birding already under our belts – we resumed our southerly journey with full bellies. As difficult as it was to leave Iwokrama behind, we knew that we’d be back eventually. The road through […]

Crested and Proud – 10,000 Birds

[adinserter block=”1″] A crest is a “comb or tuft of feathers, fur, or skin on the head of a bird or other animal”. Birds use them for display purposes – they can be either recumbent (not noticeable when not erect) or recursive (noticeable in all states). Quite a few bird species have crests. In fact, […]

Business Birding Basics – part II

[adinserter block=”1″] In a strange city on business, with more than just a few hours to spare? You want to do some serious birding? You need a guide! Let’s start with the worst guide I ever had – just to provide the contrast to the greatness of pretty much everybody else. This guide (location and […]

When is a Vulture Not a Vulture?

[adinserter block=”1″] I think we don’t give vultures all the love they deserve. When you consider all the nasty stuff they uncomplainingly dispose of, and what the world might look like if they didn’t, it seems we could be more grateful. I, however, am a fan of vultures. I have been lucky enough to get […]

Birding Tongbiguan, Yunnan (part 2)

[adinserter block=”1″] “Did you put up your post today? How many times was it read?” is not what The Reds, Pinks & Purples ask in one of their songs – rather, it is “Did you put up your song today? How many times was it played?”. But of course, with this slight adaptation, it also […]

Creepin’ on Walls in Bonn

[adinserter block=”1″] As I noted in my last post, I recently found out that a Wallcreeper had been discovered already in December just outside Bonn, conveniently a 10 minute bike ride from my home (plus a ferry crossing). Although the bird was found a while ago, it had still been seen the day before I […]

Don’t Ignore the Barnacles – they’re Real Birds

[adinserter block=”1″] Serious birders may have an obsessive interest in birds, but one thing they universally don’t like are birds which, they believe, aren’t properly wild. It’s taken a long time for the purists to get used to the numerous Red Kites we now have in England, all descended from captive-reared birds that were released […]

Journeys With Emperors: Tracking the World’s Most Extreme Penguin–A Book Review

[adinserter block=”1″] Journeys With Penguins: Tracking the World’s Most Extreme Penguin is a different type of penguin book. Author Gerald L. Kooyman (co-author with Jim Mastro) spent decades studying Emperor Penguins and can be considered the world’s foremost expert on the species. Journeys with Penguins is the story of how he came to research Emperor […]

Business Birding Basics – 10,000 Birds

[adinserter block=”1″] My recent posts may have given the impression that business birding is always exotic, on remote islands or with lots of birds. Seeing Solitary Tinamou before breakfast. Frankly, most of the time it’s just a few hours in some park near some boring hotel in some medium to large city. However, any hour […]
