Birding Hongbenghe, Yunnan (Part 2)

[adinserter block=”1″] The Common Green Magpie looks anything but common. (I swear I came up with this sentence myself but later saw that Australian Geographic has a webpage titled “The common green magpie is anything but”, which robs me of my illusions of being an original thinker).   According to the eBird description, it is […]

Cat Toys Versus Dog Toys at the Pet Shop

[adinserter block=”2″] I was really excited to go on a pet shop trip! I even used the litter box before going without my human having to prompt me. But then we got there and saw someone with a dog had parked moments before us! So my human decided we should wait and see how long […]

Birdwatching in Northern Greece by Steve Mills: Third Edition

[adinserter block=”1″] If you’ve birded in Spain, possibly more than once, and are considering another Mediterranean country to quench your thirst, look to the east. Steve Dudley, a bird guide and author of the Lesvos birding guide, once told me: “Greece is THE premier birding location in Europe for me [and for yours truly as […]

Urban Birding in San Diego

[adinserter block=”1″] San Diego has a lot going for it. There are beautiful beaches, a plethora of amazing food and drinks, a multitude of family fun locations, a world-renowned zoo, and one of the biggest birding festivals in the US. My family visited San Diego every year as part of a Disneyland-SoCal Road trip to […]

Binocular snobbery – 10,000 Birds

[adinserter block=”1″] Just as the make and condition of a car tells you a lot about its owner, so a person’s binoculars tell you a lot about their user. I am sure that all serious birders are guilty of looking at a fellow birdwatcher’s binoculars and concluding, rightly or wrongly, a lot about the person […]

5 Candidates for the Most Popular Bird in Costa Rica

[adinserter block=”1″] All birds have value. I do believe that but…if I had to choose between a Rock Pigeon and a Golden-hooded Tanager, you can guess where I’d be focusing the binos! It’s hard not to look at the Golden-hooded Tanager. Let’s face it, some birds are more popular than others. There are bird species […]

Blakiston’s Fish Owl on Hokkaido

[adinserter block=”1″] When Jonathan Slaght did his research on Blakiston’s Fish Owl in Russia’s Far East – which he describes in his excellent book “Owls of the Eastern Ice” – he had to cope not only with extreme cold but also with rather bad music: “Katkov filled our commutes with loud music. He was particularly […]

Experiencing Spring at EVOA – 10,000 Birds

[adinserter block=”1″] The sentinels of a Portuguese spring were singing. While walking the dog I could hear Serin, Wren and several Black Redstarts proclaiming their territories.  Mid-February is an early start for spring – even this far south – but spring is spring, and birds were waiting. I decided to go back to the Lezírias […]

Andalucia’s City-Slicker Falcons – 10,000 Birds

[adinserter block=”1″] Lesser Kestrels are one of those birds that have a special fascination for British birdwatchers. They are very rare birds in Britain, but have been recorded from Scilly in the south to Fair Isle in the north. They can be challenging to identify, especially if you haven’t seen one before, though with experience […]

You Work with What You’ve Got

[adinserter block=”1″] … And sometimes that’s a lot. Last week, I failed to produce a post, because I was getting ready to spend a week in Mexico’s tropical state of Tabasco. I am teaching for 25 hours in a Presbyterian Theological Seminary, as well as speaking at a Baptist church on Sunday, so there was […]
