Is Your Dog at Risk of Liver Treat Toxicity – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

Being a dog lover or a veterinarian requires building a good rapport with dogs. Some dogs are social butterflies, while others take a little more coaxing.  For most dog lovers, giving our dogs treats is just one of the ways to connect and express our love for them. Sometimes, even complete strangers carry a few […]

Birding Dalat, Vietnam (Part 2)

It is hard not to be sexist when you only see a female Fire-breasted Flowerpecker. eBird rubs it in, talking about the “brilliantly red patch like a bloodstain on the breast [of the male] and continuing “Female is much plainer”. The female Little Pied Flycatcher gets a similar drubbing by eBird: “Female is unique in […]

Silly Sunday Outtakes – Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life

It’s time for outtakes! And for some reason, several photo flubs caught me with my tongue out. And when I wasn’t sticking out my tongue, I was sticking back my ears. Thanks, everyone, for your support of my box! Any time my human suggests getting rid of it, she gets this response from me. Usually […]
