The Elusive GUIANAN TROGON: A Serendipitous Backyard Encounter

[adinserter block=”1″] By Fitzroy Rampersad Fitzroy or Fitz as he is fondly called began observing and photographing birds when the COVID-19 Pandemic forced border closures around the world including Trinidad & Tobago where he was vacationing at the time. Fitz used his free time to observe the many hummingbirds in his mother’s flower garden and […]

My Quick Trip to Santa Barbara

[adinserter block=”2″] It was my human’s birthday on Sunday, so her boyfriend took her, and me to Santa Barbara for a quick overnight trip. As soon as we got all our stuff in the hotel room, he gave her this really cool birthday card. The hotel’s rooms all had mismatched vintage furniture and a lot […]
