Choughs and Canyons – 10,000 Birds

[adinserter block=”1″] As names go, the Parque Natural Hoces del Alto Ebro y Rudrón isn’t the snappiest. It’s a spectacular area of deep gorges in Northern Spain where the Rivers Ebro and Rudrón have, over millions of years, cut their way deep into the limestone, forming a series of impressive steep-sided canyons (hoces) and gorges, […]

Portraits of Me and the Peach Kitty

[adinserter block=”2″] My human was taking some portraits of me around the bridge. She did get some good photos, and you’ll see them soon! But before we got too far into our session, you know who showed up! And she got some really cool portraits of the two of us together. I don’t think you […]
