A guide to natural, pain-free skin healin – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

[adinserter block=”3″] Redefining the care for wounds, scrapes, stings, bites or fungus with herbal healing If you’re looking for a more natural approach to wound and skin healing, this guide will help you learn how to treat wounds effectively without chemical antiseptics or antibiotic ointments and discover the medicinal herbs that heal wounds fast and prevent […]

Birding Senegal: Costco ads and Scissor-tailed Kites

[adinserter block=”1″] Hannah Buschert started birding in college thanks to a required Biology of Birds course and a professor who included Sir David Attenborough’s Life of Birds to punctuate lessons. Almost as if by accident, Hannah landed the dream job of Park Ranger in the Rio Grande Valley at Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park where […]
