Swarovski BTX – A new era in birdwatching

[adinserter block=”1″] Did you know that my wife actually invented the binocular spotting scope? I lack proof of this but she did, honestly. As a scout would say “On my honour it is so”. Seriously though, we were walking our dog at the local park when out of the blue she said (and she is […]

How to Make a Vet Visit Less Stressful For Your Cat: 10 Tips From Our Vet

[adinserter block=”2″] Dr. Lauren here! When’s the last time your cat went into the vet? The thought of a howling cat (“singing the song of their people”) is never pleasant. Believe me, I’ve been the person in the car with a Pancake howling so loud, that the people in the car next to me looked […]

How Big Do Boa Constrictors Get? Boa Length and Weight

[adinserter block=”6″] Boa constrictors are one of the most popular ‘large’ snakes that are kept by hobbyists all over the world! Boas are unique in that quite often small to medium sized reptiles are recommended for beginner pets and small to medium sized snakes are no exception. However, the large-sized boa constrictor is often recommended […]
