Critter Solutions

[adinserter block=”1″] Can you really blame critters for taking advantage of the free buffet at your backyard feeders? Finding food is a full time job for them and when they find your unprotected bird feeders, they must believe they have hit the proverbial jackpot! But sooner or later, be they determined furry critters or hordes […]

A Festive and Fashionable Shorts Compilation for November!

[adinserter block=”2″] It’s time for my November compilation of short videos! And I have so much fun for you to watch. You get to see my cat show weekend…and all the neck wear that came from a vendor there! Plus the matching fashion. And you’ll find several videos with the peach kitty! Plus a whole […]

Nine Favorite Reptiles That Are Great For First-Time Pets

[adinserter block=”6″] First-time reptile keepers are often overwhelmed by the number of different pets available, especially if they forgo their local box stores and consider buying from breeders or online sources. Many keepers want to start with a species that they fell in love with at a reptile zoo, aquarium, or science museum. While these […]
