Critter Solutions

[adinserter block=”1″] Can you really blame critters for taking advantage of the free buffet at your backyard feeders? Finding food is a full time job for them and when they find your unprotected bird feeders, they must believe they have hit the proverbial jackpot! But sooner or later, be they determined furry critters or hordes […]

The Plaid Cat Dresses With My Collar, On Video

[adinserter block=”2″] I already posted the photos from this session, where I matched my fancy new collar with a pair of plaid dresses from my wardrobe. So I wasn’t going to share the video that my human shot concurrently. But when she edited it, it was too cute not to share! So here it is. […]

How Big Do Boa Constrictors Get? Boa Length and Weight

[adinserter block=”6″] Boa constrictors are one of the most popular ‘large’ snakes that are kept by hobbyists all over the world! Boas are unique in that quite often small to medium sized reptiles are recommended for beginner pets and small to medium sized snakes are no exception. However, the large-sized boa constrictor is often recommended […]
