What is the difference between Hunter and Jumper horses?

[adinserter block=”1″] Horses have been used for centuries for various purposes, including transportation, farming, and sport. Hunting and jumping are two popular equine sports that have evolved. While both sports require the horse to perform athletic feats, there are fundamental differences between a hunter horse and a jumper horse. In this blog, we will explore […]

Cuban False Chameleon Diet; What Do False Chameleons Eat?

[adinserter block=”6″] False chameleons, Cuban false chameleons or bearded anoles; whatever you call these incredible little lizards they are known for diets that consist of mostly snails and some small insects, especially in the wild. False chameleons are specialized snail eaters that are able to use their powerful jaws to break open a snail’s shell […]

Quick Fun Facts About Your Cat’s Sleeping Habits

[adinserter block=”2″] When it comes to a cat’s sleeping habits, it seems like humans are either envious or annoyed. Envious because it seems like cats can fall asleep anywhere at any time; annoyed because sometimes their waking schedule coincides with their human’s sleep. So I thought I’d pull out some fun facts about cats and […]

A letter to my dog, Mr. Skai Wantstofly – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

[adinserter block=”3″] My dear dog lovers, I know that you are here because you care about your canine friends and you want them to live forever. At the same time, we all know that one day, we will have to say goodbye.  Losing a dog is like losing a child and sharing our experiences, knowing […]

11 Exciting Facts About The Small Cuvier’s Dwarf Caiman

[adinserter block=”6″] The Cuvier’s dwarf caiman is a fascinating crocodilian that can be found in South America. While these caimans may be small, that doesn’t make them any less interesting, or cool looking! If you want to learn more about these little guys (well, little for a crocodilian anyways), then keep reading to learn some […]

From Colt to Champion: The Journey of Horse Training

[adinserter block=”1″] For centuries, horses have been used for transportation, farming, and warfare. These days horses are more commonly used for sports and leisure activities such as racing, show jumping, and dressage. Horses in these fields require extensive training and conditioning before horses can become champions. In this article, we will explore the journey of […]

2023 Cat Photo Contest Winners

[adinserter block=”2″] Our sixth photo contest was just as much fun as the first five! We received nearly 2,000 entries, and we loved looking at each and every one of them. With our readers’ help, we narrowed it down to these three winners: Grade Prize Winner (Cat Nap): Charley While 4-month-old Charley is a sweet […]

Changes Can be Tough

[adinserter block=”1″] September is a month of transitions. Family vacations have come and gone, baseball begins to give way to football, and school (and all its activities) becomes the focus for many of us. Outside, the heat of summer is replaced by the cool breezes of autumn and flowers are transitioning into seeds and berries. […]

A comprehensive guide for dog parents – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

[adinserter block=”3″] Helping your beloved dog shed pounds and stay healthy As with people, canine obesity has gradually become one of the greatest health challenges for many dogs. This article sheds light on the concerning trends of obesity in dogs and provides practical advice and suggestions on how to help your dog lose a few […]

Corn Snakes Make Great Pets!

[adinserter block=”6″] Corn Snakes make great pets! They are generally docile, easy to care for, and have a long lifespan. However, it’s important to consider individual preferences, allergies, and ability to meet their specific care requirements before deciding if a corn snake is the right pet for you. Corn Snake Species Overview Corn snakes, scientifically […]
